View our upcoming matches and events to stay up to date!
Event Fixture

North Melb V Bullants
Arden St Oval, North Melbourne
Bullants v Geelong
Genis Steel Oval, Preston
Frankston V Bullants
Kinetic Stadium, Frankston
AFL/AFLW Double Header
10.30am Darebin Falcons v Collingwood
2.05pm Bullants v Collingwood
Good Friday Appeal Community
Presented by Ikon Services, the first of our 2023 Community Home Games will feature face painting, a half time Super Clinic featuring AFL, AFLW, VFL & VFL stars, food truck and lunch. Our charity beneficiary for the day is The Royal Children’s Hospital, through the good folk at The Good Friday Appeal. Half of gate receipts go to our charity partner, along with all auction and raffle receipts. Lunch includes starter dips and main meal plus drinks on arrival, followed by open bar.
For lunch tickets go to Eventbrite.
7.30 – 9.30am
Women in Business Breakfast
Where women of influence meet. Inspiring speakers, awesome networking. One of the Northern Region’s most anticipated business events of the year.
For tickets go to Eventbrite.
Williamstown v Bullants at DSV Stadium, Williamstown
12.05pm Bullants v Gold Coast Suns
Unlimited Seafood Night The hugely popular Unlimited Seafood Night makes its return, a feast for the ages for all to enjoy!
Watch this space for ticket information.
Carlton v Bullants at Ikon Park, Carlton
Bullants v Brisbane Lions Ladies Day
Watch this space for ticket information.
Bullants v Footscray
The second of our 2023 Community Home Games will feature face painting, a half time Super Clinic featuring AFL, AFLW, VFL & VFL stars, food truck and lunch. Our charity beneficiary for the day is The Big Hug Group, who provide disadvantaged families in the northern suburbs everything they need for a newborn. Half of gate receipts go to our charity partner, along with all auction and raffle receipts.
Watch this space for lunch ticket information.
Geelong Cats v Bullants at GMHBA Stadium, Geelong
Reverse Raffle With a twist to the traditional raffle protocol, this last person standing affair creates plenty of tension and even more laughs!
Watch this space for ticket information.
Sandringham Zebras v Bullants at Trevor Barker Beach Oval, Sandringham
Bullants v GWS Giants Ladies Day tbc Watch this space for ticket information.